The assessment tools are used to support safe and enjoyable mealtimes with the aim of reconciling individual choice and health…
This is my homepage that I share my latest research findings and products as clinical resources.
Clinical assessment tool
Clinical handbook for professionals and laymen
Word of Mouth (WOM) helps frontline clinicians keep up with the latest trends in working with school-age children. Each 16-page…
Easy-to-read protocols for adult speech therapy major approaches, with reference journal articles
Videos on language facilitation skills
A short video to describe DLD
A short video about DLD in Cantonese
Since 1998, the webpage has provided balanced, theoretically sound, and evidence-based where possible, information and resources to consumers, Speech-Language Pathologists/Speech…
This information (instruction and videos), unless otherwise noted, have been provided to the NFOSD by the UC Davis Health System,…
National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders - Webinars and Videos
AAC Ax &Tx resources, free TDSnap App code for SLP professionals (requires your grad cert/ST certificate to prove your SLP…
CUHK Oroeasy app is intended to provide a convenient way for the speech therapists to register the patients in need,…