PROMPT, an acronym for PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets, is a multidimensional approach to speech production disorders has come to embrace not only the well- known physical-sensory aspects of motor performance, but also its cognitive-linguistic and social- emotional aspects. PROMPT is about integrating all domains and systems towards positive communication outcome. It may be used (with varying intensity and focus) with all speech production disorders from approximately 6 months of age onward. To achieve the best outcome with PROMPT it should not be thought of or used mainly to facilitate oral-motor skills, produce individual sounds/phonemes or as an articulation program but rather as a program to develop motor skill in the development of language for interaction.
Almost every clinician will have a caseload that will include a child or adult with a speech production disorder. The delays or disorders may range from stuttering, language formulation, syntax, motor control or planning, phonological or “rule based” learning disorders, auditory processing and production disorders, general cognitive or global delays. Whatever the reason, PROMPT may be used to facilitate production, revise or change production or to integrate motor production with cognitive-linguistic function. PROMPT training will also give each clinician a more organized way to assess all domains and organize this information for the most effective, functional treatment program.
About Introduction to PROMPT Technique
This workshop is the level 1 course of the PROMPT Certification. It is going to be delivered online through zoom by our PROMPT instructor whereas a local assistant instructor will help on-site in order to facilitate participants in acquiring and practicing the techniques.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
1. Describe the philosophy of PROMPT and its application principles.
2. Apply different levels of PROMPTing (Parameter, Syllable, Complex, Surface) as appropriate
to the selected cases.
3. Analyze speech motor subsystems using the Systems Analysis Observation and Motor Speech
4. Design interactive therapy activities that utilize all of the above.
Details of the Workshop
• 8th – 10th Octoberm, 2021 (FRI – SUN)
• 9:00 am – 4:30 pm (with 1-hour lunch break)
• To Be Confirmed
Target participants and Class Size
• Speech and Language Pathologists ONLY
• The size is limited to 30 participants ONLY
• The course will be delivered mainly in English, supplemented by Cantonese
• Both English and Cantonese words will be used in the practice of PROMPT techniques
• Upon 100% attendance, a certificate of participation will be given to the participants Accreditation
• 10 CPD-ST points in the Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST) Course Fee & Deadline
• Early Bird Registration by 31st August, 2021: HKD $7,800
• Regular Registration by 30th September, 2021: HKD $8,500
Registration and Payment
• By FPS/Online Transfer/ATM Transfer o Bank:BankofChina
o BankAccountNumber:012-802-2-008393-0 o FPSPhoneNumber:57170706
Please write your “FULL NAME: PROMPT” on the remark with your online transaction for clearer tracking.
Transfer proof and completed registration form should be attached and emailed together to info@hkomr.com.
• By Cheque
Please send your registration form with cheque payable to “Hong Kong Oral Motor
Reconstruction Therapy Ltd” to the following address:
Room 2301D4, Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
• A confirmation email will be sent to all successful applicants on or before 31st August, 2021 while refund of the application fee will be arranged for all unsuccessful applicants.
Terms and Conditions
(i) Confirmation email will be sent individually through email by for Early Bird Registration and for Regular Registration.
(ii) Receipt will be distributed on the first day of the course. Re-issuing of receipt will require HKD$500 administrative charge.
(iii) Certificate of participation will be issued through the PROMPT Institute.
(iv) Withdrawal Policy
a. No transfer of the fee to other person upon confirmation of enrollment.
b. Refund will NOT be accepted.
(v) Hong Kong Oral Motor Reconstruction Therapy Ltd reserves the right on final decision
on enrollment, changing time, venue and contents and cancellation of the course due to
unforeseeable circumstances.
(vi) If the course has to be cancelled or postponed due to unforeseeable circumstances,
participants will be rescheduled to a future workshop.
Remarks: Participants cannot have long fingernails when taking the workshop due to the hands-on nature of the training.
You may visit https://promptinstitute.com to learn more about the course.
For any enquiries, please contact our clinic assistant, Ms. Pelo Au, at 2889 5400/5717 0706 or email info@hkomr.com.