Accent | 口音 | Articulation, Language |
Accreditation | 認證 | Clinical Education |
Acculturation | 文化適應 | Social communication |
Acquired | 後天 | General |
Acquisition | 習得 | General |
Activation | 激活 | General |
Active observation | 積極觀察 | Clinical Education |
Activity | 活動 | General |
Acute | 急性 | General |
Adaptation data | 調整測資 | General |
Additive | 遞進 | General |
ADHD, predominantly inattentive type | 專注力不足/過度活躍症(主要專注力不足型) | Social communication |
Adjective | 形容詞 | Language |
Adjustment disorder | 適應性障礙 | Social communication |
Adverb | 副詞 | Language |
Affricate | 塞擦音 | Articulation |
Ageing | 老齡化 | Cognition, General |
Agnosia | 失語認症 | Language |
Agrammatism | 失語法 | Language |
Agraphia | 失寫症 | Language |
Agressive problem | 攻擊行為問題 | Social communication |
Aided Language Stimulation | 輔助語言輸入/輔助語言刺激 | Communication Modalities |
Alexia | 失讀症 | Language |
Alternate solid with liquid (food) | 交替進食流質與固體(食物) | Swallowing |
Alternative communication | 替代溝通/擴大性 | Communication Modalities |
Alveolar | 齒齦 | General |
Ambiguitiy | 含糊 | General |
Analysis | 分析 | General |
Anchoring | 扣定 | General |
Ankyloglossia | 舌黏連/舌繫帶過緊 | Articulation, Swallowing |
Anomia | 命名障礙 | Language |
Anomic aphasia | 命名性失語症 | Language |
Anterio-posterior view | 正面觀 | General |
Anterior Sulcus | 前溝 | General |
Anterior faucial arch | | Swallowing |
Antero-posterior lingual propulsion | 舌前後推動 | Swallowing |
Antonym | 反義詞 | Language |
Anxiety | 焦慮 | Social communication |
Anxiety disorder | 焦慮症 | Social communication |
Anxiety problem | 焦慮問題 | Social communication |
Aphasia | 失語症 | Language |
Aphonia | 失聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Apraxia | 失用症 | Articulation, Cognition |
Arcuate fasciculus | 弓形束 | Cognition, General |
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) | 腦動靜脈畸形 | Cognition |
Articulation | 構音 | Articulation |
Articulation disorder | 構音障礙 | Articulation |
Articulators | 構音器官 | Articulation |
Artificial larynx | 人工喉 | Voice and Resonance |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | 人工智慧/人工智能 | General |
Arytenoid cartilage | 杓狀軟骨 | Voice and Resonance, General |
Arytenoid muscle | 杓狀肌 | Voice and Resonance, General |
Asking questions | 提問 | Social communication |
Aspect marker | 時態標詞 | Language |
Aspiration | 吸入氣管/誤墮氣管 | Swallowing |
Aspiration (in articulation) | 送氣 | Articulation |
Aspiration pneumonia | 吸入性肺炎 | Swallowing |
Assessment | 評估/評價 | General |
Assimilation | 同化 | Articulation, Language |
Assistive listening device | 聽力輔具 | Hearing |
Associated play | 交往性遊戲 | Social communication |
Attention deficit | 專注力虧損 | Social communication, Cognition |
Attention | 專注力 | Cognition |
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder | 專注力不足/過度活躍症 | Social communication |
Attribute | 定語 | Language |
Audiogram | 聽力圖 | Hearing |
Auditory brainstem implant | 聽覺腦幹植入 | Hearing |
Auditory processing disorder | 聽覺處理障礙/聽知覺處理障礙 | Hearing |
Auditory-verbal therapy (AVT) | 聽覺口語治療法 | Hearing |
Augmentative communication | 輔助溝通 | Communication Modalities |
Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) | 輔助及替代溝通/輔助溝通系統 | Communication Modalities |
Aural rehabilitation | 聽覺復康 | Hearing |
Autism spectrum disorder | 自閉症譜系障礙 | Social communication |
Automatic speech | 自動言語 | Language |
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) | 自動語音辨識 | Language, Articulation |
Awarness | 意識 | General |
Babbling | 嬰兒兒語/牙牙學語 | Language |
Back vowel | 後元音 | Articulation, Language |
Back vowel | 後元音 | Articulation, Language |
Backflow/Reflux | 回流/反流/逆流 | Swallowing, General |
Backing | 舌位後置化 | Articulation, Language |
Barium | 鋇 | Swallowing |
Baseline | 基線/基準 | General |
Beat gesture | 節拍手勢 | Communication Modalities |
Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) | 行為和心理症狀 | Cognition |
Behaviour | 行為 | General |
Bilabial | 雙唇 | Articulation, Language |
Bilateral | 兩側/雙側 | General |
Bilingual | 雙語 | Language |
Bilingual Aphasia Test (BAT) | 雙語失語症測試/雙語失語症測驗 | Language |
Biofeedback | 生物性回饋 | General |
Bite Reflex | 咬合反射 | Swallowing |
Block | 阻窒 | General |
Blue dye test | 染劑吞嚥測試 | Swallowing |
Bolus formation | 食糰揉搓 | Swallowing |
Bolus manipulation | 食糰操控 | Swallowing |
Bolus size | 口量 | Swallowing |
Bolus transfer | 食糰傳送 | Swallowing |
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) | 波士頓診斷失語檢查 | Language |
Breathiness | 氣息聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Breathy voice | 氣音 | Voice and Resonance |
Broca’s aphasia | 布洛克氏失語症 | Language |
Buccinator muscle | 頰肌 | Swallowing, General |
Bulky food | 大件食物 | Swallowing |
Canine | 犬齒 | Swallowing, General |
Cantonese AphasiaBank | 香港粵語失語症數據庫 | Language |
Cantonese Linguistic Communication Measure (CLCM) | 粵語版語言溝通測量 | Language |
Cantonese version of Comprehensive Aphasia Test (Cant-CAT) | 粵語版綜合失語症測試 | Language |
Cantonese Expressive Language Scales (CELS) | 粵語(香港)語言表達量表 | Assessment Tool, Language |
Cantonese-Cleft Speech Assessment Tool (C-CSAT) | 顎裂語音評估工具(粵語) | Assessment Tool, Articulation |
Carcinoma of the tongue | 舌癌 | General |
Carcinoma of the tonsil | 扁桃腺癌 | General |
Cardinal vowels | 基本元音 | Articulation, Language |
Caregiver | 照顧者 | General |
Carry-over | 學習遷移 | General |
Case study | 個案研究 | General |
Case-based learning | 案例為本學習 | Clinical Education |
Causal | 因果 | General |
Causative | 因果性 | Language |
Central pattern generator | | Swallowing |
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | 腦血管破裂/腦栓塞/中風 | Cognition |
Cerebrovascular accident | 腦血管破裂/腦栓塞/中風 | Cognition, General |
Character | 字 | Language |
Chewing difficulty | 咀嚼困難 | Swallowing |
Chewing exercise | 咀嚼練習 | Swallowing |
Child directed speech | 兒童導向式語言/幼兒導向式語言,兒向言語 | Language |
Chin tuck | 下巴內縮 | Swallowing |
Chinese Standard Aphasia Examination (CRRCAE) | 漢語標準失語症檢查 | Language |
Choking | 哽喉/嗆咳/氣哽 | Swallowing |
Circumlocution | 迂迴語 | Language |
Classifier | 量詞 | Language |
Clausal complement | 子句補語 | Language |
Clause | 子句 | Language |
Clear fluid diet | 清流餐 | Swallowing |
Cleft lip | 裂唇/唇裂 | Articulation, Voice and Resonance |
Cleft palate | 裂腭/腭裂 | Articulation, Voice and Resonance |
Client | 服務對象/受助人/受導人/案主/當事人 | General |
Clincial fellowship | 臨床專業培訓 | Clinical Education |
Clinic | 診所 | General |
Clinical linguistics | 臨床語言學 | General |
Clinical competence | 臨床能力 | Clinical Education |
Clinical education | 臨床教育 | Clinical Education |
Clinical education curriculum | 臨床教育課程 | Clinical Education |
Clinical education director | 臨床教育主任 | Clinical Education |
Clinical educator/Clinical instructor/Clinical supervision | 臨床導師 | Clinical Education |
Clinical placement/Clinical practicum | 臨床實習 | Clinical Education |
Clinical reasoning | 臨床推理 | Clinical Education |
Clinical supervision | 臨床督導 | Clinical Education |
Clinical viva | 臨床口試 | Clinical Education |
Clinician | 治療師 | General |
Closed syllable | 閉音節 | Articulation, Language |
Cluttering | 語句脫漏 | Fluency |
Co-existing behaviors | 併發行為 | General |
Coaching | 指導 | Clinical Education |
Coarticulation | 兼同構音 | Articulation |
Cochlear implant | 人工耳蝸/人工電子耳 | Hearing |
Code of ethics | 道德守則 | Clinical Education |
Code-mixing | 語碼混合 | Language |
Code-switching | 語碼切換 | Language |
Cognate | 同源詞 | Language |
Cognition | 認知 | Cognition |
Cognitive neuroscience | 認知神經科學 | Cognition |
Cognitive flexibility | 認知彈性 | Cognition |
Cognitive neuropscyhology | 認知神經心理學 | Cognition, General |
Cognitive neuroscience | 認知神經科學 | Cognition, General |
Cognitive rehabilitation | 認知復康/認知復健 | Cognition |
Cognitive stimulation | 認知刺激 | Cognition |
Cognitive stimulation therapy | 認知刺激治療 | Cognition |
Cognitive training | 認知訓練 | Cognition |
Cognitive-communication disorders | 認知溝通障礙 | Cognition |
Coherence | 連貫 | Language |
Cohesion | 連結 | Language |
Commenting | 意見/評語 | Social communication |
Communication | 溝通 | General |
Communication board | 溝通板 | Communication Modalities |
Communication breakdown | 溝通中斷 | Social communication |
Communication breakdown | 溝通中斷 | Social communication |
Communication partner | 溝通夥伴 | Language |
Communication Partner Training (CPT) | 溝通夥伴訓練 | Language |
Communicative Effectiveness Index (CETI) | 溝通效能指數/溝通效益測驗 | Language, Communication Modalities |
Communicative Functions | 溝通功能 | Social communication, General |
Communicative intention | 溝通動機 | Social communication |
Comparative | 比較級的 | Language |
Compensatory strategy | 補償策略 | General |
Competence | 能力 | General |
Competency-based | 能力為本 | Clinical Education |
Competency-based Occupational Standards (CBOS) | 能力為本職業標準 | Clinical Education |
Complement | 補語 | Language |
Complementary | 互補的 | Language |
Compounding | 複合 | Language |
Comprehension | 理解 | Language |
Comprehensive Aphasia Test (CAT) | 綜合失語症測試 | Language |
Computer Speech Recognition | 電腦語音識別 | Language, Articulation |
Concept map | 概念圖 | Clinical Education |
Concessive | 讓步 | Language |
Concise Chinese Aphasia Test (CCAT) | 簡明中文失語症測試/簡明中文失語症測驗 | Language, Assessment Tool |
Condition | 條件 | General |
Conditional | 條件性 | Language |
Conduct disorder | 品行障礙/品行失調症 | Social communication |
Conduction aphasia | 傳導性失語症 | Language |
Conductive hearing loss | 傳導性弱聽/傳導性聽力損失 | Hearing |
Confidence interval | 置信區間 | Evidence-based Practice |
Congee diet | 粥餐 | Swallowing |
Congenital | 先天性 | General |
Conjunction | 連詞 | Language |
Connected speech | 連接話語 | Language |
Connective | 連接詞 | Language |
Connotation | 涵義 | Language |
Consistency | 一致性 | Articulation, Language |
Consistent phonological disorder | | Articulation, Language |
Consonant | 輔音 | Articulation, Language |
Consonant cluster | (輔)音叢 | Articulation, Language |
Constraint Induced Language Therapy (CILT) | 約束誘導性語言訓練 | Language |
Construct validity | 結構效度 | Evidence-based Practice |
Construction play | 建構性遊戲 | Social communication |
Constructivism | 建構主義 | Clinical Education |
Content validity | 內容效度 | Evidence-based Practice |
Context | 語境 | Language |
Contextual meaning | 語境意義 | Social communication |
Continuing professional development | 持續專業進修 | Clinical Education |
Contrast | 對比 | General |
Convergence | 語言求同 | Language |
Conversation Analysis (CA) | 對話分析 | Language |
Conversation Coaching | 對話訓練 | Language |
Conversational discourse | 對話話語 | Language |
Conversational repair strategies | 對話修補策略 | Social communication |
Conversational skills | 交談技巧 | Social communication |
Cooperative play | 合作性遊戲 | Social communication |
Coordination exercise | 協調性練習 | General |
Coordinative | 並列 | Language |
Corpus | 語料庫 | Language |
Cough reflex | 咳嗽反射 | Swallowing |
Counterfactual | 虛擬 | Language |
Coverb | 助動詞 | Language |
Covert behaviour | 隱性行為 | General |
Craniofacial | 顱顏/顱面 | General |
Cricoid cartilage | 環狀軟骨 | Swallowing, General |
Cricothyroid muscle | 環杓肌/環甲肌 | Swallowing, General |
Criteron-referenced assessment | 標準參照測驗 | General |
Critical thinking | 批判性思維 | Clinical Education |
Cue | 提示 | General |
Cultural and linguistic diversity | | Language, General |
Cultural responsiveness | 文化適應 | Social communication, General |
Culturally responsive practice | | Social communication, General |
Cyanosis | 發紺 | General |
Deaf | 聾/失聰 | Hearing |
Deception | 欺詐 | Social communication |
Declarative | 陳述語氣 | Language |
Decompose | 分解 | General |
Deep pharyngeal neuromuscular stimulation | 深層咽肌神經刺激法 | Swallowing |
Deep dyslexia | 深層閱讀障礙/深層失讀 | Language |
Degenerative disease | 退化性疾病/退行性疾病 | General |
Dehydration | 脫水 | General |
Deictic gesture | 指示手勢 | Communication Modalities |
Deixis | 指示詞 | Language |
Delay | 遲緩 | General |
Delayed phonological awareness | | Articulation, Language |
Deletion | 刪除 | General |
Deliberate practice | 刻意練習 | Clinical Education |
Delirium | 急性精神昏亂/譫妄 | Cognition |
Dementia | 認知障礙症/腦退化症 | Cognition |
Denial/rejecting | 否認/抗議 | Social communication |
Denotation | 字面意義 | Social communication |
Descriptive discourse | 描述性話語 | Language |
Desensitization | 消減敏感 | General |
Detection | | Swallowing |
Determiner | 限定詞 | Language |
Developmental | 發展性 | General |
Developmental dyslexia | 發性閱讀障礙 | Language |
Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) | 發展性語言障礙 | Language |
Diadochokinesis (DDK) | 交替動作 | Articulation |
Diagnosis | 診斷 | General |
Dialect | 方言 | Language |
Dialogic reading | 對話式閱讀 | Language |
Diet modification | 餐類改良 | Swallowing |
Diphthong | 複元音 | Articulation, Language |
Diplophonia | 重疊聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Directive | 指示語氣 | Social communication |
Disability | 殘疾/弱能/傷殘/失能/違常 | General |
Discharge | 退出服務 | General |
Discoordinated tongue control | 舌控制不靈 | General |
Discourse | 話語 | Language |
Discrimination | 辨別 | Articulation, Hearing |
Distinctiveness | 區別性 | General |
Disyllable | 雙音節 | Articulation, Language |
Divergence | 語言求異 | Language |
Dosage | 劑量 | General |
Double swallow | 重複吞嚥法 | Swallowing |
Drill | 操練 | General |
Drooling | 流唾液/流口水 | Swallowing |
Dry swallow | 乾吞/吞口水 | Swallowing |
Dynamic assessment | 動態評估 | General |
Dysarthria | 中樞性構音障礙 | Articulation, Cognition |
Dysgraphia | 書寫障礙 | Language |
Dyslexia | 閲讀障礙 | Language |
Dysphagia | 吞嚥障礙 | Swallowing |
Dysphonia | 聲線障礙/發聲障礙/嗓音障礙 | Voice and Resonance |
Dysprosody | 語音異常 | Language |
Early intervention | 早期介入/早期療育 | General |
Echolalia | 鸚鵡式說話 | Language, Social communication |
Edentulous | 無齒/缺齒 | General, Swallowing |
Effortful swallow | 用力吞嚥法 | Swallowing |
Electrolarynx | 電子咪 | Voice and Resonance |
Electromyogram | 電子肌動圖 | General |
Electromyography | 電子肌動觀察術 | General |
Electropalatogram | 電子顎位圖 | General |
Electropalatography | 電子顎位觀察術 | General |
Elicitation | 誘發 | General |
Elimination | 排除 | General |
Ellipsis | 省略句 | Language |
Embed | 包嵌 | Language |
Emblem | 象徵性手勢 | Communication Modalities |
Embolism | 栓塞/栓子 | Cognition, General |
Emotion words | 情緒詞彙 | Social communication |
Emotional regulation | 情緒調控 | Social communication |
Empathy | 同理心 | General |
End-to-End | 端對端 | Language |
Enhanced Milieu Teaching | 加強式情景教學法 | General |
Entry-level | 準入 | Clinical Education |
Epiglottis | 會厭 | Swallowing, General |
Episodic memory | 情節記憶 | Cognition |
Esophageal (Oesophageal) cancer | 食道癌 | General |
Esophageal (Oesophageal) phase | 食道期 | General |
Esophageal (Oesophageal) speech | 食道語 | Voice and Resonance |
Establishment | 建立 | General |
Etiology (Aetiology) | 病因 | General |
Evaluation | 估量 | General |
Evidence-based practice | 循證實踐 | Evidence-based Practice, General |
Exclamation | 感嘆句 | Language |
Executive function | 執行功能 | Cognition |
Expansion | 擴張 | Language |
Explicit | 顯性 | General |
Expository discourse | 說明性話語 | Language |
Expressive | 表達性 | Language, Communication Modalities |
Extension | 伸展 | Language |
Extra thick liquid | 特杰流質 | Swallowing |
Extrinsic tongue muscle | 舌外在肌 | General |
Eye contact | 目光接觸 | Social communication |
Eye tracking | 視線追蹤 | Social communication |
Facilitation | 促發性 | General |
Falsetto | 假聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Family centred practice | | General |
Fatigue | 疲勞 | General |
Fauces | 咽門 | General |
Feature | 特徵 | General |
Feedback | 回饋 | General |
Feeding | 餵食 | Swallowing |
Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) | 內窺鏡吞嚥檢查 | Swallowing |
Final (consonant) | 尾音/輔音尾韻 | Articulation, Language |
Finger food | 細塊小食 | Swallowing |
First-order false belief | 第一順位錯誤信念 | Social communication |
Flexi cup | 剪口杯 | Swallowing |
Fluency disorder | 流暢障礙 | Fluency |
Fluent aphasia | 流暢形失語症 | Language |
Fluid consistency | 流質稠度 | Swallowing |
Focus group interview | 焦點團體訪談/聚焦小組訪談 | General |
Focused stimulation | /聚焦刺激法 | Language, General |
Food residue | 殘餘食物 | Swallowing |
Food thickener | 食物凝固粉 | Swallowing |
Formative assessment | 進展性評估 | Clinical Education |
Fricative | 擦音 | Articulation, Language |
Front vowel | 前元音 | Articulation, Language |
Fronting | 舌位前置化 | Articulation, Language |
Full fluid diet | 全流餐 | Swallowing |
Function word | 虛詞 | Language |
Functional | 功能性 | General |
Functional play | 功能性遊戲 | Social communication |
Gag reflex | 咽反射 | Swallowing |
Gastrostomy | 胃造口術 | Swallowing |
Generalization | 類化/概括化 | General |
Generalized anxiety disorder | 廣泛性焦慮症 | Social communication |
Geriatrics | 老人病學 | General |
Gestalt Language Processing | 完形語言處理/整體語言輸入 | Language |
Gesture | 手勢 | Communication Modalities |
Gingivae (Gum) | 齒齦 (牙肉) | General |
Giving information | 提供資料 | Social communication |
Glide | 滑音 | Articulation, Language |
Global aphasia | 完全性失語症 | Language |
Glottal | 嗓門的 | Voice and Resonance, General |
Glottal fry | 戢聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Glottal stop | 喉塞音 | Articulation, Language |
Glottic closure | 聲門閉合 | Voice and Resonance, General |
Glottis | 聲門 | Voice and Resonance, General |
Grammar | 語文法 | Language |
Grammatical structure | 語法結構 | Language |
Grapheme | 形素 | Language |
Greeting | 問候 | Social communication |
Groping | 搜尋 | General |
Group therapy | 小組治療 | General |
Guided observation | 引導觀察 | Clinical Education |
Gurgly voice | 聲音混濁/汨汨聲音 | Swallowing |
Handicap | 障礙/缺陷/弱能/傷殘/殘障 | General |
Hard palate | 硬顎 | General |
Head tilt | 頭部傾側 | Swallowing, General |
Head turn | 頭部轉向 | Swallowing, General |
Hearing aid | 助聽器 | Hearing |
Hearing disorders | 聽力障礙 | Hearing |
Hearing loss | 弱聽/聽力損失 | Hearing |
Hearing threshold | 聽閾 | Hearing |
Hemorrhagic stroke | 出血性腦中風/出血性腦卒中 | Cognition, General |
Hierarchy | 層次體統 | General |
Hoarseness | 沙聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Homograph | 同形異義詞 | Language |
Homonym | 同音同形異義詞 | Language |
Homophone | 同音異義詞 | Language |
Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test (HKGCNT) | 中文讀字測試 | Language |
Hong Kong-Oxford Cognitive Screen (HK-OCS) | 牛津認知篩查 (香港中文版本) | Cognition, Language |
Hong Kong Cantonese Language Assessment Scale for Preschool Children (HKCLASS-P) | 香港粵語能力測試 (學前版) | Assessment Tool, Language |
Hong Kong Graded Character Naming Test (HKGCNT) | 中文讀字測試 | Assessment Tool, Language |
Hong Kong Scales for Assessment of Theory of Mind (HKAToM) | 香港心智解讀測試 | Assessment Tool, Social communication |
Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL) | 香港學前兒童口語(粵語)能力測試 | Assessment Tool, Language |
Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS) | 香港兒童口語(粵語)能力量表 | Assessment Tool, Language |
Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test (HKCAT) | 香港粵語發音測試 | Assessment Tool, Articulation |
Hong Kong Cantonese Receptive Vocabulary Test (HKCRVT) | 香港粵語詞彙理解測驗 | Assessment Tool, Language |
Hong Kong Hospital Communication Toolkit for Children & Adolescents | 香港兒童及青少年輔助及另類溝通工具(醫院) | Assessment Tool, Communication Modalities |
Humming | 閉唇低哼聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Hyoid bone | 舌骨 | General |
Hyperactive/impulsive problem | 活躍/衝動問題 | Social communication |
Hypernasality | 鼻音過重 | Voice and Resonance |
Hypersensitivity | 過敏 | General |
Hyponasality | 鼻音過輕 | Voice and Resonance |
Hyponum | 下位詞 | Language |
Hyposensitivity | 低敏感度 | General |
Hypothesis | 假設 | General |
Hypothetical | 假設的 | General |
Iconic | 圖像化 | Social communication |
Iconic gesture | 圖像化手勢/標誌性手勢 | Communication Modalities |
Identification | 辨認/辨識/識別 | General |
Idiom | 習語 | Language |
Illocutionary | 施為性的/施事性 | Language |
Imagery | 意象 | General |
Imitation | 模仿 | General |
Impairment | 損傷/損害 | General |
Imperative | 祈使 | Language |
Implicature | 含意 | Language |
Incidence | 發生率/發病率 | General |
Incidental teaching | | General |
Incisor | 門齒 | General |
Inconsistent phonological disorder (IPD) | | Articulation, Language |
Increase sensory input | 增強感覺刺激 | General |
Indirect | 間接 | General |
Infection control | 感染控制 | Clinical Education |
Inferential question | 邏輯推論題 | Social communication |
Inhibition | 抑制 | Cognition |
Inhibitory control | 抑制控制 | Cognition |
Initial (consonant) | 聲母 | Articulation, Language |
Innate | 與生俱來 | General |
Intelligence quotient | 智商 | Cognition |
Intelligibility | 能明度/清晰度 | Articulation |
Intended learning outcome | 預期學習成果 | Clinical Education |
Intentional communication | | Language, Social communication |
Interaction analysis | 互動分析 | Social communication, Language |
Interaction effect | 交互作用 | General |
Interdisciplinary | 跨專業/領域間 | General |
Interlocutor | 對話者 | Language |
Intermediate | 中級 | Clinical Education |
International Classification of Diseases (ICD) | 國際疾病與相關健康問題統計分類 | General |
International Classification of Functioning, Disabilities, and Health (ICF) | 國際功能、殘疾和健康分類系統/國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統 | General |
Interprofessional practice | 跨專業實踐 | Clinical Education |
Interrogative | 疑問 | Language |
Intervention | 介入/干預 | General |
Intonation | 語調 | Articulation, Language |
Intra-oral pressure | 口腔內壓 | General |
Intrinsic tongue muscles | 舌內在肌 | General |
Inventory | 集彙 | Language |
Ischemic stroke | 缺血性腦中風/缺血性腦卒中 | Cognition, General |
Isolation | 孤立 | General, Articulation |
Jargon (as in general term) | 專業術語/術語 | General |
Jargon (as in language) | 雜亂語 | Language |
Joint attention | 互聯注意 | Social communication |
Juicy food | 多汁食物 | Swallowing |
Kinesthetic | 運動覺 | General |
Labelling | (1)標籤 (2)命名 | Language |
Labial | 唇的 | Articulation, Language |
Labiodental | 唇齒 | Articulation, Language |
Language sample analysis | /語言樣本分析 | Language |
Language symbols | 語言符號 | Language |
Language | 語言 | Language, General |
Language delay | 語言發展遲緩 | Language |
Language disorders | 語言障礙 | Language |
Laryngeal adductor reflex | | Swallowing |
Laryngeal vestibule | | Swallowing |
Laryngeal cancer | 喉癌 | General |
Laryngeal excursion | 喉部提昇 | Swallowing |
Laryngeal penetration | 滲入喉部 | Swallowing |
Laryngograph | 嗓門儀 | Voice and Resonance, Swallowing |
Lateral | 邊音 | Articulation, Language |
Lateral sulcus | 側溝 | General |
Lateral view | 側面觀 | General |
Lateralized | 邊音化 | Articulation, Language |
Learning contract | 學習合約 | Clinical Education |
Learning experience | 學習經驗 | Clinical Education |
Learning objective | 學習目標 | Clinical Education |
Level | 水平 | General |
Lexical diversity | 詞彙多樣性 | Language |
Lexical | 字匯的 | Language |
Lexicon | 詞滙 | Language |
Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA) | 失語症生活參與方法 | Language, Social communication |
Lingual frenulum | 舌繫帶/脷根 | Articulation, Swallowing |
Linguistic Communication Measure (LCM) | 語言溝通測量 | Language |
Linguistics | 語言學 | Language |
Lip reading | 唇讀 | Hearing |
Lip seal | 咀唇閉合 | Swallowing |
Liquid | 流音 | Articulation, Language |
Locative | 方位詞 | Language |
Logorrhea | 多話/言辭繁多 | Language |
Long vowel | 長元音 | Articulation, Language |
Long-term memory | 長時記憶 | Cognition |
Lower motor neuron | 下部運動神經元 | General |
Machine translation | 機器翻譯 | Language |
Macrostructure | 宏觀結構 | Language |
Main Concept | 主概念 | Language |
Main Concept Analysis (MCA) | 主概念分析法 | Language |
Maintenance | 維持 | General |
Malnutrition | 營養不良 | General |
Manner modifier | 方式狀語 | Language |
Manner of articulation | 發音方法 | Articulation |
Marker | 標記 | General |
Masking | 遮蔽 | General |
Mastication/ Chewing | 咀嚼 | Swallowing |
Maturation | 成熟 | General |
Mean | 平均值 | Evidence-based Practice |
Means-end play | 因果遊戲 | Social communication |
Medium thick liquid | 中杰流質 | Swallowing |
Mendelsohn maneuver | 孟德生吞嚥法/喉部上提吞嚥法 | Swallowing |
Mentoring | 導師指導 | Clinical Education |
Metacognitive strategy | 元認知策略 | Social communication |
Metalanguage | 元語言 | Language |
Metaphoric gesture | 隱喻性手勢 | Communication Modalities |
Microstructure | 微觀結構 | Language |
Mid vowel | 央元音 | Articulation, Language |
Mild cognitive impairment | 輕度認知障礙 | Cognition |
Milieu teaching | 情境教學法 | General |
Minced diet | 免治餐 | Swallowing |
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) | 簡短智能測驗 | Cognition |
Minimal pair | 最少對立對 | Articulation, Language |
Mirror writing | 鏡像書寫 | Language |
Misinterpretation | 誤解 | Social communication |
Mixed disorder of conduct and emotions | 混合性品行及情緒失調症 | Social communication |
Mixed consistency | 混合稠度 | Swallowing |
Mixed hearing loss | 混合性弱聽 | Swallowing |
Model | 模範/示範 | General |
Modification | 修改 | General |
Modifier | 修飾語 | Language |
Molar | 臼齒 | General |
Monitoring | 監察 | General, Social communication |
Monotone | 平板音 | Voice and Resonance |
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) | 蒙特利爾認知評估 | Cognition |
Mood disorder | 情緒病 | Social communication |
Morpheme | 詞素 | Language |
Morphological awareness | 語素意識/語素覺識 | Language |
Motherese | 親子語 | Language |
Motivation | 推動力 | Social communication |
Motor speech disorders | 運動性言語障礙 | Articulation, Cognition |
Multi-linear | 多層次性/多線性 | Language |
Multi-modal | 多模態式 | Communication Modalities, Language |
Multidisciplinary | 多專業/多領域 | General |
Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN) (Cantonese) | 多語敍事能力評估量表(粵語版) | Language |
Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN) (Mandarin) | 多語言敍事評估量表(普通話版) | Language |
Multilingual | 多語 | Language |
Multiple swallow | 多重吞嚥法 | Swallowing |
Muscle strengthing exercise | 肌力練習 | General |
Mutational falsetto | 突變性假聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Narrative | 敘事 | Language |
Nasal regurgitation | 鼻部回流 | Swallowing |
Nasality | 鼻音 | Voice and Resonance |
Nasogastric tube | | Swallowing |
Nasogastric tube | 鼻胃管 | Swallowing |
Nasometer | 鼻流計 | General |
Nasopharyngeal cancer | | Swallowing |
Nasopharynx | 鼻咽 | General |
Native | 本族 | General |
Natural Language Processing (NLP) | 自然語言處理 | Language |
Natural Language Understanding (NLU) | 自然語言理解 | Language |
Naturalistic | 自然 | General |
Negation | 否定 | General, Language |
Negative emotions disorder | 負面情緒問題 | Social communication |
Neologism | 新語症 | Language |
Neurocognitive disorder | 神經認知障礙 | Cognition |
Neurodivergent | 神經多元者 | General |
Neurodiversity | 神經多樣性 | General |
Neuromodulation | 神經調控 | Cognition, Language |
Neuroplasticity | 神經可塑性 | General |
Neurotypical | 神經典型者 | General |
Nipple | 奶咀 | General |
Noise-induced | 噪音誘發 | Hearing |
Nominal | 名詞性 | Language |
Non-fluent aphasia | 非流暢形失語症 | Language |
Non-standardized assessment | 非標準化評估 | General |
Non-verbal communication | 非口語溝通 | Communication Modalities, Language |
Nonsense | 無意義 | General |
Norm | 常模 | General |
Noun | 名詞 | Language |
Novice | 初學級 | Clinical Education |
Object | 賓語 | Language |
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) | 客觀結構化臨床考試 | Clinical Education |
Objective | (1)目標 (2)客觀 | General |
Obligatory | 必具性 | General |
Obnbsessive compulsive disorder | 強迫症 | Social communication |
Observation | 觀察 | General |
Occulsion | (1)咬合 (2)閉塞 | General |
Odynophagia | 痛楚性吞嚥 | Swallowing |
Onlooker behavior | 旁觀行為 | Social communication |
Onset | 起始 | Articulation, Language |
Onset - rime | 首音 - 韻腳 | Articulation, Language |
Open syllable | 開音節 | Articulation |
Open syllable | 開音節 | Articulation, Language |
Open vowel | 開口元音 | Articulation, Language |
Opposition | 對立 | General |
Oppositional defiant disorder | 對立反抗症 | Social communication |
Oppositional problem | 對立反抗問題 | Social communication |
Optimal pitch | 最適音調 | Voice and Resonance |
Oral apraxia | 口肌失用症 | General |
Oral examination | 口腔檢查 | General |
Oral phase | 口腔期 | Swallowing |
Oral regurgitation | 口部回流 | Swallowing |
Oral transfer | 口腔傳送 | Swallowing |
Oral preparatory phase | 口腔準備期 | Swallowing |
Oral-motor | | General |
Organic | 器質性 | General |
Orientation | 定向感 | Cognition |
Oromotor exercises | 口腔肌肉活動練習 | General |
Other-initiated other-repair | 他人啟動的他人修復 | Language, Social communication |
Other-initiated self-repair | 他人啟動的自我修復 | Language, Social communication |
Output-driven intervention | | General |
Overextension | 過度延伸 | General |
Overgeneralization | 過度擴意/過度類化 | General |
Overt behaviour | 顯性行為 | General |
Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS) | 牛津認知篩查 | Cognition, Language |
Palatal | 顎的 | General |
Pantomime | 模仿性手勢 | Communication Modalities |
Paragrammatism | 錯語法 | Language |
Paralinguistic | 副語言 | Language |
Parallel play | 並行性遊戲 | Social communication |
Parallel talk | 平行話語/ 平行談話 | Language |
Parallel-talk | 並行語 | Language |
Parameter | 參數 | General |
Paraphasia | 錯語 | Language |
Parent-child interaction | 親子交往 | Social communication, Language |
Part-of-speech | 詞性 | Language |
Part-of-speech tagging | 詞性標註 | Language |
Particle | 語助詞 | Language |
Passive | 被動 | Language |
Pedagogy | 教學法 | Clinical Education |
Peer-medicated intervention | 同儕介入策略 | Social communication |
Penetration-aspiration scale | 吸入現象基準 | Swallowing |
Percentile | 百分位數/百分等級 | Evidence-based Practice |
Perception | 感知 | General |
Performance evaluation | 表現評估 | Clinical Education |
Perseveration | 固著 | Language |
Perspective taking | 換位思考/角色代入/觀點轉換/角色取替 ?? (台灣) | Social communication |
Pharyngeal contraction | | Swallowing |
Pharyngeal phase | 咽喉期 | Swallowing |
Pharyngeal pooling | 咽積聚 | Swallowing |
Pharyngeal tonsil | 咽扁桃體 | General |
Phonation | 發聲 | Voice and Resonance |
Phonation break | 斷音 | Voice and Resonance |
Phoneme | 音素 | Articulation, Language |
Phonemic awareness | 音素意識/音素覺識 | Language |
Phonetic paraphasia | 語音性借語症 | Language |
Phonetics | 語音學 | Articulation, Language |
Phonological awareness | 音韻意識/音韻覺識 | Language |
Phonological disorder | | Language |
Phonology | 音韻學 | Articulation, Language |
Phrase | 片語 | Language |
Pictographic Communication Resource (PCR) | 溝通圖片資源 | Language, Communication Modalities |
Picture description | 圖片描述 | Language |
Pitch | 音高 | General |
Pitch break | 斷調 | Voice and Resonance |
Pivotal construction | 兼語句 | Language |
Place of articulation | 發音部位 | Articulation |
Placement sites | 實習地點 | Clinical Education |
Plateau | 停滯狀態 | General |
Play skills | 遊玩技巧 | Social communication |
Plosive | 爆發音 | Articulation, Language |
Poor appetite | 食慾不振 | Swallowing, General |
Postlingual | 語言習得後 | Hearing |
Postural modification | 姿勢改良法 | Swallowing, General |
Practice setting | 執業場所 | Clinical Education |
Pragmatics | 語用 | Social communication |
Pragmatics | 語用學 | Language |
Praxis | 動作運用 | Cognition |
Predicate | 謂語 | Language |
Prelingual | 語言習得前 | Hearing |
Prelinguistic | 語前 | Language |
Prelinguistic Milieu Teaching | 語前情境教學法 | General |
Preliteracy | 識字前 | Language |
Premature spillage | 過早食糰瀉流 | Swallowing |
Premolar | 小臼齒 | General |
Preposition | 介詞 | Language |
Prepositional phrase | 介詞短語 | Language |
Presbycusis | 老年性弱聽/老年性聽力損失 | Hearing |
Presbyphonia | 老年聲線障礙/老年嗓音障礙 | Voice and Resonance |
Preserved | 保留 | General |
Pretended play | 假想性遊戲 | Social communication |
Prevalence | 盛行率/普遍率 | General |
Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) | 原發進行性失語症 | Language |
Priming | 啟動 | Language |
Probe | 探查 | General |
Problem-based learning | 問題為本學習 | Clinical Education |
Problem-solving | 解難 | Cognition |
Procedural discourse | 程序性話語 | Language |
Process | 加工 | General |
Professional indemnity insurance | 專業彌償保險 | Clinical Education |
Prognosis | 預後 | General |
Programming | 程序安排與組合 | Social communication |
Progressive | 漸進 | General |
Prolongation | 延長 | General |
Prompt | 提示 | General |
Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (P.R.O.M.P.T.) | 重建口腔肌肉發音目標的提示 | Articulation |
Prone | 俯臥 | General |
Pronoun | 代名詞 | Language |
Proprioceptive | 本體感受 | General |
Prosody | 語韻 | Voice and Resonance |
Prosthesis | 假體 | General |
Psychogenic | 心因性 | General |
Puberphonia | 青春期嗓音異常 | Voice and Resonance |
Pure tone audiometry | 純音聽力測驗 | Hearing |
Pureed meat congee diet | 糊粥餐 | Swallowing |
Pureed meat soft rice diet | 糊飯餐 | Swallowing |
Pyriform fossa/sinus | 梨狀窩 | General, Swallowing |
Quantifier | 數量詞 | Language |
Quantitative Production Analysis (QPA) | 定量分析系統 | Language |
Range of practice areas | 執業領域 | Clinical Education, General |
Range of motion exercise | 活動度練習 | General |
Rate | 速度 | General |
Real time | 實時 | General |
Recast | | General, Language |
Receptive | 接收性 | Language |
Recipient | 受事 | Language |
Reclining posture | 斜臥姿勢 | General |
Recognition | 辨認 | General |
Recover | 康復 | General |
Reduced laryngeal excursion | 喉部提昇減弱 | Swallowing |
Redundancy | 冗餘 | General |
Reduplication | 重疊 | General |
Reference | 所指 | Language |
Referent | 所指對象 | Language |
Referent introduction | 參照體引入 | Language |
Referent switching | 參照體轉換 | Language |
Referral | 轉介 | General |
Reflection | 反思 | Clinical Education |
Reflective journal | 反思日誌 | Clinical Education |
Reflective Practice | 反思實踐 | Clinical Education |
Reflux | 反流 | Swallowing, General |
Refusal to eat | 拒絕進食 | Swallowing |
Regular diet | 正餐 | Swallowing |
Regularity | 規則性 | Language |
Regularization errors | 規則化錯誤 | Language |
Regurgitation | 反流 | Swallowing, General |
Rehabilitation | 復康 | General |
Reinforcement | 加強/強化 | General |
Relapse | 復發 | General |
Relational play | 關聯遊戲 | Social communication |
Relative clause | 關係子句 | Language |
Relaxation | 放鬆 | General |
Reliability | 信度 | General |
Remediation | 補救 | Clinical Education |
Reminiscence therapy | 懷緬治療 | Cognition |
Repetition | 重覆/覆誦 | General |
Representative sample | 代表性樣本 | Evidence-based Practice |
Requesting | 要求 | Social communication |
Requesting Clarification | 請求澄清 | Social communication |
Residual hearing | 剩餘聽力 | Hearing |
Residue | 殘餘 | Swallowing, General |
Resistance exercise | 阻力練習 | Swallowing, General |
Resonance | 共鳴/共振 | Voice and Resonance |
Respiratory pause | | Swallowing |
Respiratory distress | 呼吸窘迫 | General |
Responding | 回應 | Social communication |
Response | 反應 | General |
Retrieval based word learning | | Language |
Review | 覆檢 | General |
Reynell Developmental Language Scales (RDLS) | 雷妮氏語言發展量表 | Assessment Tool, Language |
Rhythm | 節奏 | General |
Rice water | 粥水 | Swallowing |
Role play | 角色扮演 | Social communication |
Rotary lateral movement | 兩側轉動能力 | Swallowing, General |
Roughness | 粗糙 | Voice and Resonance |
Rules play | 規則限定性遊戲 | Social communication, Cognition |
Ryme | 韻母/韻腳 | Articulation, Language |
Sabotage | 抵制/杯葛 | Social communication |
Sadness problem | 情緒問題(憂傷) | Social communication |
Saliva | 口水 | General, Swallowing |
Sarcasm | 嘲諷 | Social communication |
Scaffolding | 支援架構 | Clinical Education |
Scaled score | 量表化分數 | Evidence-based Practice |
School-based speech therapist | 校本言語治療師 | General |
Scope of practice | 專業實務範圍 | Clinical Education, General |
Screening | 篩查/初步評估 | General |
Selective mutism | 選擇性緘默症 | Social communication |
Self talk | 自我談話/自我對話 | Language |
Self-efficacy | 自我效能 | Clinical Education |
Self-initiated other-repair | 自己啟動的他人修復 | Language, Social communication |
Self-initiated self-repair | 自己啟動的自我修復 | Language, Social communication |
Self-questioning | 自設問題 | Social communication |
Self-talk | 自行講話 | Language |
Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) | 語義特徵分析療法 | Language |
Semantic paraphasia | 語義性錯語症 | Language |
Semantics | 語義學 | Language |
Semi-vowel | 半元音 | Articulation, Language |
Sensorimotor play | 感官運動性遊戲 | Social communication |
Sensorineural hearing loss | 感音神經性弱聽/感音神經性聽力損失 | Hearing |
Sentence | 句子 | Language |
Seperation anxiety disorder | 分離焦慮症 | Social communication |
Sequence | 序列 | General |
Sequential picture description | 順序圖片描述 | Language |
Sequential play | 步驟遊戲 | Social communication |
Serial verb construction | 連動句 | Language |
Service delivery model | | General |
Service user | 服務對象 | General |
Severity | 嚴重度 | General |
Shaker exercise | 石基亞練習/咽肌強化練習 | Swallowing |
Short vowel | 短元音 | Articulation, Language |
Short-term memory | 短時記憶 | Cognition |
Side-lying | 側臥 | Swallowing, General |
Sign language | 手語 | Hearing |
Sign language | 手語 | Communication Modalities |
Simulated patient | 模擬病人 | Clinical Education |
Simulation | 模擬 | Clinical Education |
Slightly thick liquid | 微杰流質 | Swallowing |
Slurring | 語音含糊 | General |
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder | 社交 (語用) 溝通障礙症 | Social communication |
Social anxiety disorder | 社交焦慮症 | Social communication |
Social communication intervention | 社交技巧治療 | Social communication |
Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional Support Model | 社交溝通、情緒調節及協作支援綜合教育模式 | Social communication |
Social interaction | 社交 | Social communication |
Social skills groups | 社交技巧小組 | Social communication |
Social standard | 社會規範 | Social communication |
Social stories | 社交故事 | Social communication |
Social thinking | 社交思考 | Social communication |
Social understanding | 社會認知 | Social communication |
Socio-dramatic play | 社交戲劇性遊戲 | Social communication |
Sociolinguistics | 社會語言學 | Language |
Soft diet | 軟餐 | Swallowing |
Soft onset | 輕起音 | Voice and Resonance, Fluency |
Soft palate | 軟顎 | General |
Solitary play | 單獨性遊戲 | Social communication |
Sonograph | 語圖儀 | General |
Spasmodic | 痙攣性 | General |
Specific phobla | 特殊恐懼症 | Social communication |
Specific language impairment | 特項語言受損 | Language |
Spectrogram | 聲頻譜 | Voice and Resonance |
Speech | 言語 | Articulation, Language |
Speech act | 言語行為 | Social communication |
Speech delay | 語音發展遲緩 | Articulation, Language |
Speech disorders | 言語障礙 | Articulation, Language |
Speech motor disorder | 言語運動障礙 | Articulation |
Speech therapist | 言語治療師 | General |
Speech therapy | 言語治療 | General |
Speech training | 言語訓練 | Articulation |
Speech sound disorder associated with a diagnosed medical condition and/or underlying deficit | | Articulation, Language |
Speech sound disorder of unknown origin | | Articulation, Language |
Speech To Text (STT) | 語音轉文字識別 | Language, Articulation |
Spillage of food/liquid | 溢出食物/流出食物 | Swallowing |
Spontaneous imitation | 自發性模彷 | General, Social communication |
Spontaneous recovery | 自然性復原 | Cognition, Language |
Spontaneous speech | 自發性言語 | Cognition |
Stakeholder | 持份者 | General |
Standard deviation | 標準差 | Evidence-based Practice |
Standard error of measurement | 測量標準誤差 | Evidence-based Practice |
Standardized test | 標準化測試 | General |
Standardized patient | 標準化病人 | Clinical Education |
Statement | 陳述句 | Language |
Sticky food | 黏性食物 | Swallowing |
Stimulability | 可誘導性 | General |
Stimulation | 刺激 | General |
Stimulus | 刺激物 | General |
Stop | 塞音 | Articulation, Language |
Stopping | 塞音化 | Articulation, Language |
Story Grammar | 故事語法 | Language |
Strategy | 策略 | General |
Stress | 重音 | Articulation, Language |
Stroke (as in writing) | 筆畫 | Language |
Stroke | 中風/腦卒中 | Cognition, General |
Stroke (as in linguistic term) | 筆劃 | Language |
Stroke (as in neurological condition) | 中風 | General |
Structural priming | | Language |
Student clinician | 實習治療師 | Clinical Education |
Stuttering | 口吃 | Fluency |
Subject | 主語 | Language |
Sublexical | 亞詞滙 | Language |
Substitution | 替代 | General |
Sucking | 吸吮/啜 | Swallowing |
Sucking reflux | 吮吸反射 | Swallowing |
Summative assessment | 總結性評估 | Clinical Education |
Super-supraglottic swallow | 強化上聲門吞嚥法 | Swallowing |
Superordinate | 上位詞 | Language |
Supervision | 督導 | Language, General |
Supervisory process | 督導過程 | Clinical Education |
Supine | 仰臥 | General |
Support behavior | 支持行為 | Social communication, Language |
Supported conversation | 支持性對話 | Language |
Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA) | 成人失語症支持性對話訓練 | Language |
Supraglottic swallow | 上聲門吞嚥法 | Swallowing |
Suprahyoids | | Swallowing |
Surface electromyography | 表面肌電圖 | General |
Surface dyslexia | 表層失讀/表層閱讀障礙 | Language |
Surgical intervention | 手術介入 | General |
Suspected autism spectrum disorder | 懷疑自閉症譜系障礙 | Social communication |
Swallowing | 吞嚥 | Swallowing |
Swinging fever | 反覆發熱 | General |
Syllable | 音節 | Articulation, Language |
Syllable initial | 音節/字詞首 | Articulation, Language |
Symbolic Play Test | 象徵性遊戲測試 | Social communication |
Symbolic Play Test (SPT) | 象徵性遊戲測試 | Assessment Tool, Language |
Synonym | 同義詞 | Language |
Syntax | 句法 | Language |
Tactile | 觸覺 | General |
Tagging | 標註 | Language |
Target response | 目標反應 | General |
Task | 作業 | General |
Task switching | 任務切換 | Cognition |
Teaching and learning episode | | General |
Telepractice | 遙距治療 | Clinical Education, General |
Telesupervision | 遙距督導 | Clinical Education |
Temporal | 時序 | General |
Text segmentation | 斷詞 | Language |
Textual comprehension | 篇章理解 | Language |
Texture | 質地 | Swallowing, General |
The Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test (HKCAT) | 香港粵語發音測試 | Language |
The Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS) | 香港兒童口語(粵語)能力量表 | Language |
The Hong Kong Cantonese Receptive Vocabulary Test (HKCRVT) | 香港粵語詞彙理解測驗 | Language |
The Hong Kong Scales for Assessment of Theory of Mind (HKAToM) | 香港心智解讀測驗 | Social communication |
The Hong Kong Test of Preschool Oral Language (Cantonese) (TOPOL) | 香港學前兒童口語(粵語)能力測試 | Language |
Theme | 主題 | Language |
Theory of mind | 心智理論/心智解讀 | Social communication |
Therapy | 治療 | General |
Therapy outcome measures | 量度治療成效的措施 | Clinical Education |
Thermal tactile stimulation | 吞嚥反射刺激法 | Swallowing |
Thick liquid | 杰流質 | Swallowing |
Thin liquid | 稀流質 | Swallowing |
Think aloud | 放聲思考/大聲思考 | Clinical Education, Language |
Three-tier model of services | 三層支援模式 | General |
Throat clearing | 清喉嚨 | Swallowing |
Thrombus | 血栓 | General |
Thyroid cartilage | 甲狀軟骨 | General |
Tic disorder | 抽動症 | Social communication |
Tolerance | 容忍度 | General |
Tone | 聲調 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 1 (T1) | 第一聲/陰平 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 2 (T2) | 第二聲/陰上 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 3 (T3) | 第三聲/陰去 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 4 (T4) | 第四聲/陽平 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 5 (T5) | 第五聲/陽上 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 6 (T6) | 第六聲/陽去 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 7 (T7) | 第七聲/上陰入 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 8 (T8) | 第八聲/下陰入 | Articulation, Language |
Tone 9 (T9) | 第九聲/陽入 | Articulation, Language |
Tongue base | 舌根 | General |
Tongue base retraction | 舌根推動 | Swallowing |
Tongue thrust | 吐舌 | General |
Tongue tip | 舌尖 | General |
Topic initiation | 發起話題 | Social communication |
Topic maintenance | 維繫話題 | Social communication |
Topic shift | 改變主題 | Social communication, Language |
Topic termination | 終止話題 | Social communication |
Total laryngectomy | 全喉切除 | General, Voice and Resonance |
Total communication strategies | 全溝通策略/綜合溝通策略 | Language |
Tracheoesophageal prothesis | 人工發聲瓣 | Voice and Resonance |
Tracheostomy | 氣管造口術 | General |
Transcortical motor aphasia | 經皮層運動性失語症 | Language |
Transcortical sensory aphasia | 經皮層感覺性失語症 | Language |
Transcribe | 轉錄 | Articulation, Language |
Transcription | (1)標音法 (2)轉錄 | General |
Transdisciplinary | 貫專業/超領域 | General |
Transit time | 傳遞時間 | Swallowing |
Traumatic brain injury | 創傷型腦部損傷 | Cognition |
Treatment | 治療 | General |
Tremor | 震顫 | General |
Triggering of swallowing reflex | 啟動吞嚥反應 | Swallowing |
Trismus | 牙關緊鎖症 | General, Swallowing |
Turn taking | 輪流作轉 | Language, Social communication |
Turns taking (conversation) | 輪次 (接語) | Language |
Twang | 鄉謠共鳴法 | Voice and Resonance |
Tympanometry | 中耳阻抗聽力測驗 | Hearing |
Unilateral | 單邊/單側 | General |
Upper motor neuron | 上部運動神經元 | General |
Upper esophageal sphincter | | Swallowing |
Uvula | 懸壅垂/吊鐘 | General |
Validity | 效度 | General |
Valleculae | 會厭谷 | General, Swallowing |
Velar consonant | 軟顎輔音 | Articulation |
Velopharyngeal closure | 顎咽閉合 | General |
Velopharyngeal incompetence | 顎咽閉合不全 | General |
Ventricular fold (false vocal cord) | 假聲帶 | Voice and Resonance |
Verb | 動詞 | Language |
Verb complement | 動詞補語 | Language |
Verbal stereotype | 刻板語 | Language |
Verbal communication | 口語溝通 | Communication Modalities, Language |
Vestibule | 前庭 | General |
Videofluoroscopic Study of Swallowing (VFSS) | 吞鋇x光造影吞嚥檢查 | Swallowing |
Viscosity | 流速 | General |
Visual agnosia | 視覺失認 | Cognition |
Visual neglect | 視覺忽視 | Cognition |
Visual field | 視野 | Cognition |
Visual-spatial | 視覺空間 | Cognition |
Vocabulary | 詞彙 | Language |
Vocal abuse | 濫用聲線 | Voice and Resonance |
Vocal cord paralysis/palsy | 聲帶癱瘓 | Voice and Resonance |
Vocal fold (true vocal cord) | 真聲帶 | Voice and Resonance |
Vocal play | 語音的遊戲 | Language |
Vocalization | 發聲 | Social communication, General |
Voice disorder | 嗓音障礙 | Voice and Resonance |
Voiced | 濁音 | Articulation |
Voiceless | 清音 | Articulation |
Vowel | 元音 | Articulation, Language |
Weak/inadequate social skills | 社交能力較弱 | Social communication |
Weight loss | 體重下降 | General |
Wernicke’s aphasia | 渥尼克氏失語症 | Language |
Word | 詞 | Language |
Word initial | 詞首 | Language |
Word tokenization | 分詞 | Language |
Word-finding difficulty | 找/覓字困難 | Language |
Working memory | 工作記憶 | Cognition |
Writing to dictation | 聽寫 | Language |
Xerostomia | 口乾症/口腔乾燥 | General |
Yawn-sigh | 呵欠-嘆氣 | Voice and Resonance |
Zone of proximal development | 近側發展區 | General |